Meat, Organs, Bones, and Skin: Nutrition for Mental Health: Learn about: How vegetarians have a higher risk of mental disorders, including anxiety and depression. The importance of animal foods and vitamin B12 for methylation and regulating neurotransmitters to support mental health. Achieving balance between stable and fluid mental states Chris Masterjohn, PhD earned his PhD […]
A Dietary Protocol for Healing and Building Optimal Health
Solutions to healing, A Dietary Protocol for Healing and Building Optimal Health: Utilising the Power of Traditional Foods and a Nutrient-Dense Diet for Overcoming Chronic Inflammation, Allergies, Acid Reflux and other Digestive Disorders. Kathryne Pirtle and Dr. John Turner discuss an effective and practical dietary approach and protocol to overcoming common ailments that may affect […]
Nourishing Traditional Diets
Nourishing Traditional Diets: Sally draws on a wealth of scientific and anthropological findings to refute the notion that we should cut back on animal fats and cholesterol-rich foods arguing that they are necessary for normal growth, proper function of the brain and nervous system, protection from disease and optimum energy levels, especially for babies and […]
Let the Sun Shine In!
Let the Sunshine In! There are a number of plausible mechanisms by which sunlight could catalyse reactions that produce critical nutrients, most especially cholesterol sulphate. Stephanie will describe a radical, emerging hypothesis that the skin captures and stores sulphur, oxygen and the energy of sunlight in the cholesterol sulphate molecule which acts like a sulphur-based […]
The Oiling of America
The Oiling of America: Margarine is the bad guy and butter and eggs are the good guys. For fifty years, big business, government agencies and medical organisations have campaigned deceptively against animal fats, meat, eggs, butter and other nutritious, traditional foods, leading to huge profits from the sale of toxic margarine, shortenings and liquid vegetable […]
Raw Milk Quality & Health
The Benefits of Raw and Grass Fed Milk Ton will review studies which find correlation with raw milk and health. He will explain changes that occur when milk is heated and how that effects digestion, also drawing upon human and animal studies Ton will also explore the fatty acid profile of milk from grass fed […]
Fat Tax Debate
In this video, Philip Ridley debates the absurd notion that food should be taxed extra according to its saturated fat content. Not only is this a recipe for malnutrition but any tax on food is ultimately regressive, bearing the greatest burden on the poor. Philip Ridley is the London Chapter Leader for Weston A. Price […]
“Eat Fat, Get Thin, Treat Diabetes”
Eat Fat, Get Thin and Treat Diabetes: Are you following ‘healthy’ guidelines and eating your 5 portions of fruit and veg a day? Then you could be doing the worst thing for your health. Diseases such as obesity and diabetes have really ‘taken off’ since ‘healthy eating’ was introduced in the 1980s. This is not […]
Barry Groves “Homo Carnivorus”
“Homo Carnivorous”: Barry Looks at how our diet evolved over 2.5m yrs, including a review of writing from Hindu Vegas to North Saga’s and The Bible, chronicling our love of fats. He takes a look at traditional diets around the world noting the consistent use high saturated fat diets. He will compare this with today’s […]