This is of the London, UK Chapter of The Weston A. Price Foundation, which is dedicated to restoring nutrient-dense foods to the human diet through education, research and activism.
If you want to support what we are doing, please become a Video Subscriber for just £2 a month with the first week for free, cancel at any time. If you are not ready to join, check out our smaller selection of FREE VIDEOS. Subscribers fund this website and will fund future conferences, campaigning and events. Subscribers gain access to our large and growing video library of previous events with free speech talks from experts who cover a wide range of topics relating to wise traditions in food, farming and healing.
The Weston A. Price Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charity founded in 1999 to disseminate the research of nutrition pioneer Dr. Weston Price, whose studies of isolated nonindustrialized peoples established the parameters of human health and determined the optimum characteristics of human diets. Dr. Price’s research demonstrated that humans achieve perfect physical form and perfect health generation after generation only when they consume nutrient-dense whole foods and the vital fat-soluble activators found exclusively in animal fats.
The communities that Dr Price explored were self largely sufficient in those foods they relied upon and they raised one healthy generation after another despite having no access to modern healthcare. With their knowledge we too could be empowered to achieve the same.
For an introduction to the works of Dr Price, please watch Sally Fallon Morell’s talk on Nourishing Traditional Diets.
The London Chapter was set up in 2009 by Philip Ridley, who serves on the Honorary Board of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

The Chapter has had four conferences in London with hundreds of delegates and many exhibitors. This then inspired three conferences in Ireland, by the Munster Chapter, led by Anne Maher. We have also had a number of events in London more recently run by Keli Herriot-Saddler.
This website project has been supported by Sheepdrove Trust and Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, who both funded website design. The project now continues, with plans to get all of our video archive onto the video library, to develop a community on the forum and continue to develop the site. We hope to return again to running and supporting conferences and events in London and beyond. The main focus will be on promoting European voices who further our aim to promote wise traditions in food, farming and healing.
PLEASE NOTE: The Weston A. Price Foundation is NOT a trade association.