Ivor Cummins BE(Chem) CEng MIEI PMP completed a Biochemical Engineering degree in 1990. He has since spent 30 years in corporate technical leadership positions. His career specialty has been leading large worldwide teams in complex problem-solving activity. Since 2012 Ivor has been intensively researching the root causes of modern chronic disease. A particular focus has been on cardiovascular disease, diabetes […]
Heart Disease, An Alternative Hypothesis
Dr Malcolm Kendrick, MD, MbChB, MRCGP wrote “The Great Cholesterol Con“, which debunks the cult of cholesterol bashing and its bogus treatment and more recently “Doctoring Data”, . Dr Kendrick graduated from Aberdeen University in Scotland. He currently works as a GP near Manchester with a special interest in cardiology. He developed a European system […]
The Great Cholesterol Con
Dr Malcolm Kendrick, MD, MbChB, MRCGP wrote “The Great Cholesterol Con“, which debunks the cult of cholesterol bashing and its bogus treatment and more recently “Doctoring Data”, . Dr Kendrick graduated from Aberdeen University in Scotland. He currently works as a GP near Manchester with a special interest in cardiology. He developed a European system […]
Cholesterol, Sulfate and Heart Disease
Glyn Wainright and Stephanie Seneff joined together for the first time to provide this joint seminar following collaboration on a number of scientific papers on cholesterol. Glyn explains how cholesterol is an essential sterol for health, explaining what it is and what it does, also what it does not do, that is not a deadly […]
Talk 3: Good Fats, Bad Fats: Separating Fact from Fiction
Good Fats, Bad Fats: Separating Fact from Fiction: This talk takes a fresh look how, contrary to mainstream thought, that the research contradicts the following myths: Myth 1: Saturated fat is the “bad fat” and polyunsaturated fat is the “good fat”. Myth 2: Arachidonic acid is the “bad fat”. Myth 3: “Solid fats” are empty […]
Talk 2: Heart Disease, Molecular Degeneration, and the Nutrient Synergy Solution:
Heart Disease, Molecular Degeneration, and the Nutrient Synergy Solution: Learn about how to prevent heart disease by: Eating a balanced, nutrient-dense, traditional diet of fresh, whole foods. East satisfying, filling food. Include organ meats and plant foods. Emphasise raw and steamed food, avoid deep fried food. Exercise. Be happy, have a positive attitude, and maintain […]