Jim Cronin: has been adopting biological agriculture on his 5 acre Clare organic market garden farm with a strong commercial focus of supplying a range of retail and food service outlets. Jim is a renowned organic vegetable grower who trains people to become growers themselves. The best way to learn is from those that are […]
Soil life and health
Soil life and health An introduction to the life of soil. Charlotte Hollins manages the community land initiative, the community body that owns award winning Ford Hall Farm with the farmer, her brother Ben Hollins, where you can find the best grass fed meat, available nationwide with mail order. In this talk Charlotte explains the […]
Health, Soil & the Ethics of Meat
Introduction to Ford Hall Farm
Charlotte Hollins manages the community land initiative, the community body that owns award winning Ford Hall Farm with the farmer, her brother Ben Hollins. In this video she introduces the conferences that have been held at the farm with the Weston A. Price Foundation and she then introduces the story of Ford Hall Farm, where […]
FSA Raw Milk Consultation Event (2014)
In 2014 the UK’s Food Standards Agency attempted to ban raw milk following heavy lobbying by Dairy UK. Fortunately enough public interest occurred for a public consultation even to be arranged with us entering this event energised by a successfully 2014 WAPF Conference in UK. The central London venue was full with hundreds of people […]
Keeping Rabbits for Meat
KEEPING RABBITS FOR MEAT by Ruth Tudor and James Swift from Trealy Farm. Together they run The Meat Course alongside producing award winning artisan charcuterie. One of their courses is Rabbit in a Day of which you will experience an insight at this workshop, recalling a time when most families kept animals to provide nourishment. Transforming […]
Natural Bee Keeping
Natural Bee Keeping: Peter Brown iss the Chairman of the Biodynamic Association and the farmer at Tablehurst Biodynamic Farm in Sussex where Heidi Hermann is Head Beekeeper. Visit the Trust’s website for details of the Trust’s activities. https://naturalbeekeepingtrust.org The Natural Beekeeping Trust was established in order to be of assistance to anyone seeking advice and […]
Keeping a Family Goat
KEEPING A FAMILY GOAT Saturday 11:20 to 12:30 by Debbie Vernon from Ellie’s Dairy. Debbie speaks about the differences between intensive commercial goat farms and family sized grass based farms that better respond to the needs of the goats. She will discuss the things people should consider if thinking about keeping of a family goat, […]
GMO’s & Roundup, a Marriage Made in Hell.
Raw Milk Quality & Health
The Benefits of Raw and Grass Fed Milk Ton will review studies which find correlation with raw milk and health. He will explain changes that occur when milk is heated and how that effects digestion, also drawing upon human and animal studies Ton will also explore the fatty acid profile of milk from grass fed […]