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Dr Natasha Campbell McBride, MD, MMedSci (Neurology), MMedSci (Nutrition)
Natasha holds two postgraduate degrees in neurology and human nutrition and serves on the Honorary Board of the Weston A Price Foundation. Natasha has become recognised as one of the world’s leading experts in treating learning disabilities, mental disorders, as well digestive and immune disorders and runs the Cambridge Nutrition Clinic. Her website is
Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS)™ establishes a connection between the functions of the digestive system and the brain. Few know that the gut has more nerve endings than the brain and is intimately connected to mental wellbeing.
GAPS is also a diet which effectively promotes general mental wellness and treats digestive and mental dissorders, from autism to depression. Similar to the gluten/casein free diets, it eliminates foods difficult to digest. However, mainstream gluten free diets are rich in harmful refined carbohydrates because of the low fat mantra. GAPS instead introduces traditional, nutrient dense foods and probotic that can be made at home. The traditional gluten/casein free diet condemns people to a lifetime of bland food. In contrast, GAPS is a temporary diet that nourishes the gut, allowing patients to progressively re-introduce tasty, satisfying foods that will let them thrive and enjoy food. Click here for an article she wrote on GAPS.
I thought I was already ‘in the know’ on these things (the gut, the microbiom etc etc) but ‘my gut was always telling me’ that there is more… – AND THERE IS – Dr. Campbell-McBride devoted her work to this amazing and so basic for our health topic!