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Allergic to the modern world: Treating Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Electrosensitivity, The gut connection. We are living in a world dominated by the acceleration of mobile technology: wi-fi, the Cloud, 3G phones and netbooks ‘plug’ us in to a global network. However a small bit growing number of people are reporting health symptoms from exposure to these technologies and some are so sensitive to electromagnetic radiation, they are unable to use computers, televisions, even ordinary phones, and live as virtual prisoners in their own homes. The majority also suffer from a mysterious array of other symptoms, including chemical sensitivities and allergies. A recovering sufferer herself, Elizabeth offers a theory of underlying causality and looks at how the appropriate nutrition and naturopathic techniques can provide a solution.
Elizabeth Wells D.NN, FNTP, PhD is a nutritionist and co-chapter leader of WAPF Manchester. A former sufferer of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, she specialises in chronic ‘difficult-to-treat’ conditions such as ME/CFS, Candida infection, allergies and environmental illness. Elizabeth also writes for magazines and has been featured in the local and national press. Her website is
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