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Dr Natasha Campbell McBride, MD, MMedSci (Neurology), MMedSci (Nutrition)
Natasha holds two postgraduate degrees in neurology and human nutrition and serves on the Honorary Board of the Weston A Price Foundation. Natasha has become recognised as one of the world’s leading experts in treating learning disabilities, mental disorders, as well digestive and immune disorders and runs the Cambridge Nutrition Clinic. Her website is
“The Truth about Heart Disease”
We have been waging a war on cholesterol and fats for the last 40 – 50 years. Yet, people in the Western world are having just as many heart attacks and strokes as before, despite following “heart – healthy” diets. So, are we doing something wrong? Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride will be talking about what heart disease really is, what causes it, how it develops and what nutrition really has to do with it. She has written a book on the subject, “Put your heart in your mouth“ Click here for an article she wrote on the subject.
reminds me of Dr. Cowan statements (quoting the – otherwise quite controversial R. Steiner…) saying – THE HEART IS NOT A PUMP – would be great to have some Cowan’s videos on this site as well – he is one of the WAPF founding fathers!
Matias Gotzmann, B.A.
f. WAPF Chapter Leader for Frederick County, VA (USA)
*** specializing in magnetic fields’ mitigations ***
703 989 5550 (texting welcomed) / [email protected]