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Part 1: Sally Fallon Morell, “Healthy Pregnancy” In addition to attention to diet, pregnant women confront many challenges to the health of the baby in the womb, and they face many important decisions. Modern medicine promotes drugs and vaccinations for pregnant women, pre-natal screening, antibiotics for staph aureus and a host of other interventions that could jeopardize the optimal development of the infant. This talk presents the many challenges to the pregnant women with an emphasis on good nutrition for protection against the dangers that she cannot avoid.
Part 2: Geoffrey Montague Smith D.O. “Conception, birth and beyond: Health strategies for the early years” + Q&A from both speakers
Many women are unaware of how they can prepare for the arrival of a child into the family. They are bombarded by messages via mainstream media which often present conflicting views. Conscious natural conception using holistic methods to enhance fertility, osteopathic management of a healthy pregnancy, treatment of pregnancy related pain, optimal foetal positioning for an easy birth, causes and treatment of infant colic and inability to breastfeed, management of infant health issues in the early years. These topics will be considered in light of the growing problem of ill health and disease in the young. From conception, through birth and beyond, osteopathic and naturopathic medicine can make a great contribution.
SALLY FALLON MORELL MA (USA) is founding president of the Weston A. Price Foundation and founder of A Campaign for Real Milk. Mrs. Fallon Morell lectures extensively around the world on issues of health and nutrition. She is a writer of numerous articles and books and serves as editor of Wise Traditions, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation. In 1996, Mrs. Fallon Morell published the best-selling “Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook That Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats” (with Mary G. Enig, PhD), the cookbook that launched her career in alternative health. Her other books include “Eat Fat Lose Fat“, also written with Mary Enig, about losing fat with coconut oil and she has just released “The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care” with Dr Thomas Cowan MD. Visit her website at
Geoffrey Montague Smith D.O. qualified from the British School of Osteopathy in 1989 with the prize for Osteopathic Technique and has been in practice for over 24 years. Geoffrey founded the Atman Clinic in 1995 as a centre of excellence for Holistic Medicine. Here practitioners from many different disciplines have been brought together to work as a team. The team include medical doctors, holistic dentists, osteopaths, physiotherapists, acupuncturists and many others. Geoffrey’s unique holistic approach to his patients’ health combines advanced osteopathic techniques and naturopathic advice. He is an advanced practitioner of EAV, and has a special interest in bio-resonance and vibrational medicine. These integrated approaches are used for the treatment of a wide variety of conditions, often succeeding where allopathic medicine may have failed. He has lectured extensively both here and abroad and is a regular speaker at international medical conferences.
Geoffrey specialises in the treatment of expectant mothers and babies and has spent years developing and refining specific protocols for antenatal birth preparation, which in many cases have been shown to reduce time spent in labour and improve the outcome of natural childbirth, without intervention. Geoffrey has written several articles for the press on the subject of Optimal Foetal Positioning and has lectured to midwives at Sussex University.
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